Wednesday, October 28, 2009

just a few pictures to share

I love sleeping with my brother
Getting ready for their first big walk thru the neighborhood
Frazor loved looking around the entire time while Hunter slept thru it all
Frazor is starting to love looking around like his brother
Hunter gets a bath
Frazor shows off his smile

Monday, October 26, 2009

fun times

Both boys are really starting to enjoy looking around and seem to be starting to notice more of everything around them. We thought we would include some of this weekends adventures for you to enjoy.
"supposed" to be sleeping
already starting to play soccer
we love playing with daddy
"I'm pretty sure I can hold my head up all morning!"
"...see, look at my concentration, I'm still going!"
fell asleep after a long morning of playing
the cutest snowflake ever!

Friday, October 23, 2009

6 weeks old!

The boys are six weeks old yesterday! They are each weighing around 8 1/2 lbs and we can tell they are starting to become more interactive, playful and cheerful! Hunter still loves his tummy time and rolls over all the time while Frazor seems more content to just lay on his back and look around. Frazor has become "best friends" with a rattling bee that hangs from their activity mat! It's funny to see him focus in on it and then smile. Today the boys met their cousin, Jack for the first time. They played together (okay, so really all they did was poop together) and Sara and Kimberly took lots of pictures. It's funny to see the similarities between all Frazor and Jack especially.
Frazor @ 6 weeks
Hunter @ 6 weeks
Jack, Frazor and Hunter "hangin' out" together. These cousins are going to have a blast growing up together. Jack is a week old.
Hunter loves his Grammy
Hunter thinking: "This is what I'm going to look like in 50 yrs!"
Daddy it's so bright out here

Monday, October 19, 2009

Friends & Family

We are starting to feel like we are getting into a routine and all these days. It basically consists of changing diapers and feeding but nonetheless it is a routine and a schedule. Frazor and Hunter are doing well and enjoy really looking around at everything when they are awake. Hunter is the "active" one still. He loves playing and rolls over non-stop if we put him on his stomach. Frazor is more content to just sit although he has really started looking around a lot more like his brother so that may change soon. We were able to get out a few nights last week which was nice and even took the boys out for an adventure on Saturday. So far they do really well in the car (although we did end up getting stuck in the Target parking lot for about an hour as feeding time hit!). Fun times all around and lots of memories! Enjoy the pics.
This is the kind of damage that can be done with two babies!
Frazor is starting to look around a lot more like his brother
Two boys playing and looking around
Seems like already Hunter never sits still
Great Uncle Greg & Aunt Lee stopped by to see the boys again
"The Baby Calmer" shows his touch with kids
All dressed up and ready to go for our first family portrait
Mommy getting things done around the house while Hunter enjoys the ride. He was asleep in no time!
Great Grandma Frazor stopped by to see everyone
Have to make sure you hold both of them
Frazor shows off his big eyes
Hunter getting ready for a boxing match
Claire loved reading to Hunter

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Congratulations Joe & Kimberly!!

Jason's sister, Kimberly Vaughn, had her baby today after going exactly one week past her due date! John Robert Vaughn, "Jack" was born this afternoon. Everyone is doing very well! We were able to sneak away for a couple hours tonight to go up to the hospital and see the new family. The Kazian grandparents are bouncing off the walls with three new grandchildren within a five week period! ;-)

You can see more of Jack at "Jack on the blog"
Jack Vaughn; 7lbs, 4oz & 19.5 in; 2:10pm 10/14/09
Aunt Sara has some practice with new borns

almost 5 weeks

It seems like things are starting to maybe settle down into a routine a little bit now that it's been a few weeks. Having said all of that it doesn't mean things are getting any easier but it just means we are now no longer in the novice category. It is amazing to see how these little boys change each day. Hunter has been rolling over non-stop all of the sudden and Frazor loves playing with his hands. Both of them really love looking around and exploring everything within sight. Each passing day is just a new fun adventure for us all!
One of our star babysitters in action
She looks like a natural
they've started really enjoying sleeping together
Hunter gets the official blessing of his brother Frazor