Wednesday, September 30, 2009

almost 3 weeks...WOW!

Tomorrow will be the big three-week birthday! We are starting to feel a little bit settled in;although right when we think we have something figured out they throw a curve ball at us. The boys are doing great and seem to be gaining strength and slowly acting more and more alert and active.

Hunter loves being on his stomach and hates his back

Hunter and Frazor spending time together
Hunter always has his eyes wide open when he is awake

Friday, September 25, 2009

Funny Faces

We just laugh every day at the hilarious faces these boys make all of the time. So, we thought we'd post some of the funny faces we've caught with the camera. We are having a blast (except for the occasional unplanned all-nighter)!

Uncle Joey holding Hunter

Out for the count
I see you...!
Hunter begging for something
Frazor crossing his arms
Frazor in his Boppy

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Two-week Well Appt

Today was our two-week well appointment with the doctor. Everything checked out great and these two boys are looking as healthy as ever! Frazor is back up to 6lbs 2oz and Hunter is 6lbs; both are almost back to their birth weights. They loved finally meeting their favorite doctor and a good family friend! We will try to keep the pictures coming...
He always smiles real big when he starts going to sleep but it's hard to get on camera!

Frazor gets checked over
Hunter gets his turn
Fighting over who gets to see Dr. Stoeber first!
Getting ready to see the Dr

Monday, September 21, 2009

Is this the routine?

Tomorrow we go to the doctor for the boys well appointment. We'll see how much weight they've gained and how they are holding up to life in the real world. We are starting to settle into somewhat of a routine: feeding, change diaper, try to coax them to sleep...lay them down to sleep, change diaper and do it all over again! There is certainly never a dull moment in this house right now. :-) Here are a few pics from the last few days.

We've been putting them together to sleep and this is the position they always seem to migrate towards; Frazor loves snuggling up against Hunter and nestling into a cozy spot. We just stand and laugh at them (probably because we are delirious since it's typically something like 2am).
Frazor is showing off his cousin Jack's picture. Jack is due in two weeks!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

One-week birthday!!

A week ago today our life changed forever with the birth of our two little boys! It is hard to believe it has already been a week but of course, I'm a little groggy due to lack of sleep so chalk it up to that. What a blessing each day has already been. It is funny to look at how they have changed already just in these few days. So, to celebrate, we had to do a photo, right?!? Hope you will enjoy.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just cruising along!

Hunter loves to do funny things with his arms when he sleeps
Suddenly Grandpa is learning to multi-task

Aunt Kimberly getting lots of practice (she is due 3 weeks from today with a boy!)
Meeting Great Uncle Greg and Great Aunt Lee

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

First Drs appt

We went out for our first doctors appointment today and everything went well. It sure was an ordeal getting these two little guys and us out the door, trying to make it in time for the appointment and hoping we weren't forgetting anything we needed. Frazor also had his first bath today so it was a big day for him! Early indications appear that it is going to be a long night ahead so I'll keep this short and just post the pictures.
Hunter loves staring at the lights
Frazor with his eyes wide open

I feel better now that my bath is over!