Tuesday, January 12, 2010

4 months old!

Crazy to think that it's already been four months with these little boys. They had their wellness appointment today and other than the pain and agony of getting shots everything went great! Frazor is 25 1/4" tall and weighs 14lbs 8oz and Hunter is also 25 1/4" tall and weighs 14lbs 14oz! That puts them both right around the 50th percentile for their age in weight and 60th percentile in height which is pretty good for twins. Hunter rolled over from his back onto his belly on Sunday (we are fearful he will be mobile all too quickly!) while Frazor is still happy to just lay and play with his "special bee" on his activity mat. Hope you'll enjoy a few of the recent photos as much as we have. Having a blast every day and it just keeps getting better and better!
picture time with daddy
why do they look more excited in daddy's picture?!
future athletes
everybody smile ;-)
4-month old birthday picture
after church on our birthday
"Where's my Snuggie?"


  1. The boys are smiling more in the picture with daddy because their super funny mommy is taking the picture and they are smiling at her!!

  2. What a beautiful family! I keep wondering if my girls will school your boys in soccer or the opposite... only time will tell ;)

  3. I love the picture of these little guys! They are so squeezable!! Unfortunatly I haven't gotten to squeeze them yet!! Will have to have a get together date soon Sarah!!
