Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Doctor's appt

We had another doctor's appointment yesterday and everything checked out great! Both of the boys as well as Sara got five stars for everything. We had a growth ultrasound done to measure both boys and see how they are doing and let's just say it seems they are top notch. Baby A measured in at an estimated 6lbs 11 oz and Baby B measured in at an estimated 7 lbs 1 oz. So, needless to say if those estimates are even close those growing boys seem to be doing well. I think I've figured out why they are doing so well!
The babies heartbeats look great and we saw both of them practicing their breathing which is good. All in all it was a great visit. In fact, the doc said since we were doing so well that we don't have to go back for another week. Sara stays on her medicine and is still on bed-rest (the US Open started yesterday so she's okay with the rest for now!) through Friday and if she makes it that far we'll see what's next.


  1. those babies are growing!!!
    so glad all is well :)
    enjoy the open

  2. Can't believe you even have 2 babies in that belly that are as big as they say!! You look great and not huge at all, Sara! Though the pic of the big bag of peanut m&m's makes me want to get some right now!! Yum! The nursery looks lovely and the two carseats in the car so cute! Puts the thought of bringing two babies home into reality a little more I'm sure!! So excited for you all!! Yay, on almost 36 weeks!!

  3. There is NOTHING wrong with eating an entire bag of M&M's...nope, nothing wrong with that at all! :) Great weights on those babies...if you keep going they may beat Lane and Abe! So glad everything is going well...take care!

  4. Sara!!! You look great!! When I had the boys and went off my medicine I made it about 20 hours...It could be soon!!! Andy and Tucker think if you don't deliver soon they could use you for a human fooseball...

    we have been praying everyday for you guys!! Can't wait!
