Sunday, September 13, 2009

Heading Home!

We got to go home today! It's hard to believe they trust us outside of the hospital with these guys. :-) We made it home around 3pm this afternoon and the boys were asleep when we got home. They seemed to be really content in the car on the drive home. Aunt Heather got to be the one to sit in the back seat and keep an eye on them during the car ride. So, we are settling in to being here and having a great time. The boys have already tried out their new swing and bouncy seat. We'll see how the first night goes.
Picture perfect
Gearing up to go home!
Sara and the boys
First Family Picture
Who needs P90X when you have twins?!?
Heading home! All smiles...
Looks like Sara's been home waiting for me to show up
Taking in their new home, pretty content so far.


  1. You guys look like pros already! How cute are those boys?!? Oh goodness, you guys are about to start one exciting ride...hang may be a little hairy for awhile but it is SO worth it! Now, go and get that 8 hours of sleep tonight! :)

  2. awwwww.....they look so cute....and I love the family picture! :)

    please let us know what we can do to help.........and I hope you all get some sleep tonight:) hee hee.......xo

  3. cute, cute cute!!!! so glad you are home.....
    i too hope you get some sleep :)

  4. oh I love them! So sweet and alert! Graeme needs to meet his buddies! :)

  5. Thanks for taking the time to add all these pics - we're so excited for you guys!! Hope the first night went well =) The boys are too cute!!

  6. Glad you're all home!! Loved looking at all the pictures of the sweet little peanuts!! Sara you look GREAT!!! Hope all is going as smooth as caos can go with double the newborns! :) Glad you have lots of help though!!

  7. LOVE the family picture!!! Those boys are so cute! They look so tiny in their carseats, I love it!
