Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just cruising along!

Hunter loves to do funny things with his arms when he sleeps
Suddenly Grandpa is learning to multi-task

Aunt Kimberly getting lots of practice (she is due 3 weeks from today with a boy!)
Meeting Great Uncle Greg and Great Aunt Lee


  1. They are so adorable!!! Looks like everyone is settling in great!

  2. oh my word ...they are changing so much already! cute...I love them!

  3. Such sweet pictures of the little guys! Looks like ya'll are doing well. The boys are so tiny and cute!!!

  4. Hi Jason and Sara,

    Congratulations!! The twins are both very handsome! We're so glad everything is going so well for all of you. We appreciate being able to watch as Hunter and Frazor mature (very quickly I might add). Great grandma Helen is really enjoying her daily "trek" to my room (or the "nursery" as she now calls it) to see the latest pictures. And Sandy has been printing out a lot of them to send out to various and sundry friends and relatives. All our love and best wishes to all four of you.

    Susan, Tom, and all
