Saturday, August 15, 2009

33-week update

Well, Sara didn't quite make it to 33 weeks without incident. On Wednesday night, she went to bed feeling a few small contractions, but after a little while she feel asleep for an hour or two. At around 2:30am she woke up feeling more contractions and started feeling them regularly. So, we hopped in the car and headed up to the hospital to get her checked out thinking and laughing about how they would send us back home as a "false alarm." Little did we know, the hospital room that they took us to would become our home away from home for a short time. Sara's contractions were quite regular and even started getting more intense over the first 24 hours we were here.
After multiple meds and IV treatments the contractions finally started easing up by Friday mid-morning and by Saturday morning the contractions had mostly stopped. Currently, we are hopeful that she will be able to go home by the beginning of the week. She will remain on bed-rest until these two crazy boys decide they are ready to arrive! Thank you so much for all your prayers! It is really a miracle that we made it through the first 24 hours without having the babies--all the doctors and nurses were very surprised to see us still here the following, especially with no babies. Please continue to pray that we will be able to go home and that these guys will be able to hold on for a couple more weeks. We will try our best to keep you posted!


  1. Wow guys. Praise God for a stop to early labor, and hopefully a few more weeks at home. We know this scenario all too well- Caden tried to come at 28 weeks. You will certainly be in our prayers these next few days and weeks. Can't wait to hear the news that the boys are here safe and sound (just not yet!) If Sara needs any ideas of things to do while on bed rest, let me know!! Hang in there!

  2. Hey Jason and Sara. I'm so glad things have slowed down a little bit - hope they stay that way for at least a few more weeks. Sara, I'm sure bedrest will drive you crazy but hang in there...the longer the better! You need to get some good People magazines to get you through the day. :) You guys take care and tell those boys to settle down!

    Oh, and so glad you got a blog...we're now officially blog buddies!
