Monday, August 17, 2009

Sara update-Monday

We are still at the hospital and it now looks like we may be here until these babies are delivered. The good news is we got a new room but the bad news is we don't like it and it's a little dreary in here. Seriously, Sara has continued to have some contractions every now and then so they don't want to send her home only to have us show back up the next day. Thankfully she is feeling well and isn't in too much pain. So, for now we just wait.
Update: we were able to get moved to another room which is much lighter and airy with lots of windows and natural light! It helps to have friends who work up here (Thanks "D")! We are feeling better already.


  1. I'm praying for you all! I'm so excited for you. The end (and the beginning) is near! I've been where you are, 2 times, just not with twins. Complete bedrest from 12 weeks with Brooke and from 15 weeks with Blake. I delivered both on the dot of 36 weeks. Same medication worked 18 years ago! I know the intense boredom of waiting, but it is SOOOOOOOOO worth it! You look great! Keep smiling

  2. hey guys! Make sure you tell us where your room is ....we can come up there and visit ya! ;)

    Glad everything is still going ok and the babies and Sara are good! xo

  3. Glad to hear the good news! Sorry it looks as if you'll be there until delivery, but it will seem like nothing once the babies are here. Bedrest at home was bad enough, I can't imagine being confined to the hospital. So I don't envy you!

    Continued prayers for both of you and both babies!

  4. Yea...those babies are still where they need to be! I'm sorry you're having to be on bedrest...what a bummer. But, take it from someone who has 9 week old twins...enjoy your rest and try to get a lot of sleep now. :) You guys take care!

  5. Thanks so much for the info! Definitely will look forward to keeping up with you guys. Sara, you're doing so good--I can tell by your smiles in these pictures. I can't imagine the bed-rest and waiting part. . .I think that would kill me! So, everytime I think about it I will be praying for you guys! I can't wait to hear their names--I noticed the "F" and "H"--so great! LOVE their room!
